
Grant Thornton grows global revenues to a record USD8 billion



Grant Thornton International Ltd today announced its global revenues grew to a record USD8 billion for the financial year ended 30 September 2024. This represents sustained growth of 8.8%* in adjusted constant currency terms, building on the excellent 10.9% growth achieved in 2023.

The network reported double-digit growth in assurance (up 11.9%), followed by tax (up 8.9%*) and advisory (up 5.0%), reinforcing the network’s strong commitment to the multidisciplinary model.

Regional performance was also strong, led by Africa (up 15.0%), followed by Europe and the Middle East (up 11.6%), with both Apac* and the Americas up 7.0% respectively.

Global headcount grew from 72,858 to 75,891 reflecting the network’s ongoing investment in its people and its commitment to building a diverse and inclusive global culture.

Key highlights include:

  • Among the network’s larger firms, particularly strong growth was reported in constant currency by India (+24.7%); Germany (+17.6%); Canada RCGT (+11.5%); the Netherlands (10.8%); and Ireland (+10.3%).
  • Key strategic growth market firms saw growth of 10.1%*. Strong performance in these key markets was led by Nigeria (+46.9%), followed by Singapore (+32.4%); India (+24.7%); Thailand (+18.7%); Germany (+17.6%); Malaysia (+13.6%); and Mexico (+11.5%).
  • Substantial growth was also achieved in many other firms, including Denmark (+49.9%); United Arab Emirates (+32.8%); Czech Republic (+20.1%); Greece (16.3%); and Poland (+15.4%).
  • Regionally, strong growth was led by Africa (up 15.0% to USD120m); followed by Europe and the Middle East (up 11.6% to USD3.0bn); Asia Pacific (up 7.0%* to USD1.3bn); and the Americas (up 7.0% to USD3.6bn).
  • Strong service line growth was led by assurance (up 11.9% to USD3.5bn); followed by tax (up 8.9%* to USD1.6bn); and advisory (up 5.0% to USD2.8bn), reinforcing the value of the network’s multidisciplinary model.
  • Overall, 102 member firms reported growth in revenues this year, with almost 63% reporting double digit growth.

Peter Bodin, CEO Grant Thornton International Ltd, commented: “These results highlight the value we continue to deliver for our people and our clients in what has been a year of significant change for the industry and our network.

“The network has continued to deliver excellent sustainable growth. We have achieved that by building a cohesive network with a clear focus on mid-market businesses and an ambition to grow our international business.

“The success of our network strategy is built on our unique culture, our commitment to quality and a trusted brand.

“External investors are now discovering the true value of our network – something our clients and people have recognized for many years.

“While we already accommodate different ownership models within member firms, external investors will bring a new dynamic to the network – one that we are preparing to embrace.

“As we continue to adapt to change and help our clients navigate an uncertain international outlook, these results show there is every reason for Grant Thornton to be excited about the future.”


Grant Thornton grows global revenues to a record USD8 billion


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