
The Grant Thornton Global Network Football tournament in Denmark



🌍⚽️ The Grant Thornton Global Network Football tournament is over! It was an amazing experience for our team!
🌟Grant Thornton Georgia employees had the chance to enjoyed a thrilling football match in Denmark. From the exciting atmosphere to the great moments on the field, it was a trip we’ll never forget.
🏆👏Huge congratulations to Grant Thornton Sweden for winning the women’s cup and to Grant Thornton Spain for winning the men’s cup!
🙏Every team gave their best, and the competition was really very strong. Thanks to everyone who helped make this event a success and to our fantastic team for their energy and enthusiasm.
In addition to this, we loved making new friends and building stronger connections, both on and off the field. We are looking forward for more adventures and unforgettable experiences together!


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The Grant Thornton Global Network Football tournament in Denmark


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